Prestressed Spun Concrete Poles for Overhead Line Distribution, Transmission & Substation electrical networks
All pre-stressed spun concrete poles are engineered products designed for each specific application and manufactured following rigid Quality standards. (e.g. PDO Standard - SP-1102B, Ver 8, Mach 2016, DCRP-OER, EN standards, BS standards)
Company is certified and accredited with ISO 90012008 Quality management system.
Our products are approved by Petroleum Development of Oman and DCRP.
Oman Poles is registered with Joint Supplier Registration system (JSRS) as a approved vendor to supply in Oil & Gas Industries.
Oman Poles has a team of highly experienced Technical design, Quality Control and Marketing professionals to cater and provide solutions to customers project specific requirements.Concrete poles of other sizes, types, strength and application can be manufactured as per customer project requirement and request.
We have provided solution to consultants and contractor for road and wadi crossings,long span lengths, special mounting attachments.
Over the past seven years Oman has seen particularly rapid growth in the use of concrete poles over Wooden poles, which has become increasingly unacceptable environmentally
Oman Poles Pre-stressed spun concrete poles were developed to meet the expanding demand of the Local utility and Petroleum Development of Oman in their infrastructure projects.
With application of advanced technology and equipment, special care are taken at each step of the process to ensure high Quality product followed by stringent quality control procedures and checks in accordance to various international standards and local utilities specifications.
The range of concrete poles has high demand across the country for its superior quality as well as for its long term durability even in the harshest environment. Till date Oman Poles have supplied Thousands of poles and Installed in various project sites.
Our Group Company Global Corp Enterprises deals, stock and supplies Overhead line fitings, crossarms, pole accessories and other attachments to provide complete installation solutions to the contractor’s.